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Your Course AFC (Assessment of Fundamental Compentencies)CAF (Certificate in Accounting and Finance)CFAP (Certified Finance and Accounting Professional)MSA (Multi Subject Assessment)
Your Name
Father's name
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Postal Address Address
Your Cell
Date of Birth
ICAP Reg.#
Father's Occupation
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Phone Residential
Reference: Other Than Parents Reference Name
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Reference 2 Name
Degree/Certificate, Discipline, Year of Passing, Grade/Marks & Institution
Instructions 1. Violation from rules & Regulations and indulgence in politics or students groupings shall lead to disciplinary action. 2. Full free Shall be paid at the time of admission. 3. In case of making payment in installments or need Qarz-e-Hasna, meet other formalities, as well. 4. No concession of waiver in fee is admissible. 5. In Case of any loss or damage to the property / Assest of Al-Hamd, student shall be panelized. 6. If more than one member of same family is studying in any course at Al-Hamd, He/She shall be eligible of 10% discount in tuition fee. 7. Students shall abide by the rules and regulations enforced or to be enforced in future, at Al-Hamd,. 8. The name(s) of distinct student(s) of Al-Hamd may be used for promotional activities. 9. Admission of the student shall remain provisional unless he/she has submitted the following documents.
a. Recent Photography (Passport Size)
b. Copy of Matric / O'Level Certificate / Mark Sheet
c. Copy of Intermediate / A' Levels Certificate / Mark Sheet
d. Copy of PPT Passing / Examination Letter From ICAP
e. Copy of Registration Card of ICAP
f. Copy of Provisional Certificate from your school
g. Copy of Result of Previously passed ICAP Examination(s)
h. Copy of CNIC (If Applicable)
i. Copy of Award of Merit (Education & Non-Educational Activities)
j. Original Registration Card, If coming from other RAET.